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Hey there! Today, I want to talk about something that has been gaining a lot of attention lately – the keto diet. You may have heard people raving about it and wondered, what’s all the fuss about? Well, I’m here to give you all the details you need to know about this popular diet trend.

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Custom Keto DietLet’s start by discussing a customized approach to the keto diet. It’s called the Custom Keto Diet and it has been gaining a lot of attention lately for its personalized meal plans and easy-to-follow guidelines.

Unlike a generic keto diet plan, which is a one-size-fits-all approach, the Custom Keto Diet takes into consideration your personal preferences, body type, and weight loss goals. This means that you won’t be missing out on your favorite foods while following this diet plan!

The main concept behind the keto diet is to consume a high amount of healthy fats, a moderate amount of protein, and a very low amount of carbs. This forces your body to enter a state called ketosis, where it starts using fat as the primary source of fuel instead of carbohydrates.

How To Build MUSCLES On KETO (4 Science-Based Ways)

Building Muscles on KetoNow, let’s move on to another aspect of the keto diet – building muscles. Many people believe that the keto diet is not compatible with gaining muscle mass, but that’s not entirely true. In fact, there are science-based ways to achieve muscle growth while following a keto lifestyle.

First and foremost, it’s important to consume an adequate amount of protein. While the keto diet is not a high-protein diet, you should still aim to get enough protein to support muscle repair and growth. Good sources of protein on a keto diet include meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products.

In addition to protein, it’s crucial to maintain a calorie surplus. This means consuming more calories than your body burns in a day. To achieve this, you can add healthy fats to your meals, such as avocado, nuts, and olive oil. These fats provide the necessary energy for muscle growth.

Another important factor in building muscles on a keto diet is resistance training. Incorporating weightlifting or bodyweight exercises into your routine can help stimulate muscle growth and prevent muscle loss while in a calorie deficit.

When it comes to the keto diet, it’s crucial to listen to your body and make adjustments as needed. Some people may experience initial side effects, such as the “keto flu,” which can include fatigue, dizziness, and irritability. However, these symptoms typically subside as your body adjusts to using fat as its primary fuel source.

In conclusion, the keto diet can be a highly effective way to lose weight and even build muscle if done correctly. By following a personalized approach like the Custom Keto Diet and incorporating key principles for muscle growth, you can achieve your health and fitness goals while enjoying a wide variety of delicious foods.

I hope this post has shed some light on the keto diet and its potential benefits. If you’re curious about trying it out, remember to consult with a healthcare professional before making any major changes to your diet. Take care and happy keto-ing!

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How To Build MUSCLES On KETO (4 Science-Based Ways)

How To Build MUSCLES On KETO (4 Science-Based Ways) biohackernation.comPin On Fitness/exercise

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Pin On Ketogenic Diet Guide

Pin on Ketogenic Diet Guide www.pinterest.comglycemic

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Pin on custom-keto-diet www.pinterest.comketogenic

Best Exercises To Build Muscle On KETO! KetoGains Strategy (2020) - YouTube

Best Exercises to Build Muscle On KETO! KetoGains Strategy (2020) - YouTube on fitness/exercise. Pin on ketogenic diet guide. Best exercises to build muscle on keto! ketogains strategy (2020)